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Saab Service and Warranty Reference Library

Date: 03/16/01

To: All Saab Dealers
Saab Service Manager
Saab Parts Manager

From: Rich Miller

Reference: New update kit for manual transmissions

A manual transmission update kit to address various shifting complaints has been developed and added to our parts inventory. See details below. This kit fits the following models:

If you are rebuilding a transmission before these VINs for any reason, order and install this update kit, Saab P/N 54 40 516.

The first chart shows which parts included in the kit have been improved and, specifically, what the improvements address. The second chart shows a listing of the parts required during an update which are included in the kit. All 9-3 & 9-5 exchange transmissions are updated with the parts included in the kit.

If your customer's complaint is not listed in the first chart, it will likely be necessary to order additional parts to address that complaint since this kit was not developed to address every rebuild situation.

To repair the transmission, follow the instructions as described in WIS. After performing the update, the transmission must be marked with an A as illustrated in the Repair Kit Instruction (included with the kit).
REPAIR KIT P/N 54 40 516 (Please note that all parts in both tables below are included in the Repair Kit)

After gearbox is rebuilt, fill with Saab MTF 0063 Manual Gearbox fluid, p/n 400 132 213.

ComplaintsPartsPart Number
Blocked 2nd gearSynchromesh hub 1-251 64 041
Blocked reverse gear Reverse Leaf spring Kit 52 57 910
Difficult to engage 3rd-4th gearsSynchromesh rings 3rd-4th
Reinforced shift fork 3rd-4th
Leaf springs x6
51 60 296
87 49 749 (Kit # 54 40 524)
87 43 791
Difficult to engage 5th gear Synchromesh sleeve 5th Synchromesh ring 5th
Leaf springs x3
52 59 353
51 61 005   (Kit # 54 405 532)
87 43 809
Difficult to disengage 3rd-5thSelector bearing bracket54 40 144

Gear pos. pin Plug 43 87 544
Back up lightGasket 49 40 169
Output shaftNut 51 25 323
Reverse assyO-ring x279 67 573
Bearing seat O-ring80 47 144
Main caseSintered compact87 01 658
Input shaftSnap ring87 21 946
Input shaftSnap ring87 34 071
Output shaft Collapsible spacer87 34 477
Side coverGasket 87 34 824
Shift shaftSealing 87 41 878
Drive shaft Sealing x287 49 046
Gear case Flange Sealant 93 21 795
Input shaftRoller Bearing52 57 944
Reverse GearReverse support87 40 672

Thank you for your attention.

Rich Miller
Manager, Technical Services Quality
Abe Buchbinder
Director, Service & Parts
Saab Cars USA, Inc.

Saab Cars USA, Inc. bulletins are intended for use by professional Saab technicians only, NOT a do-it-yourselfer. They are designed to inform these technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Saab trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions, and know how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle or that your vehicle will have the condition. See your authorized Saab dealer for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information. © 2001 Saab Cars USA, Inc.