6-Point Subframe Brace Install 
[640x613] [2003x1917]
Viewed: 24704 times.

[640x480] [1600x1200]
Viewed: 26262 times.

Lift car and secure on jack stands
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Lift car and secure on jack stands
Viewed: 18083 times.

Match brackets to the correct side
6 short socket head cap screws
1 long bolt w nut (used to install rivets)
2 washers
2 Steel Rivet-Nuts (one Modified)

Due to product enhancements current hardware varies slightly.
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Match brackets to the correct side
6 short socket head cap screws
1 long bolt w nut (used to install rivets)
2 washers
2 Steel Rivet-Nuts (one Modified)

Due to product enhancements current hardware varies slightly.
Viewed: 16422 times.

This is what the rivets will look like onece installed.
[640x480] [2048x1536]
This is what the rivets will look like onece installed.
Viewed: 17225 times.

Remove the four 8mm metal screws holding plastic trim that is in the way
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Remove the four 8mm metal screws holding plastic trim that is in the way
Viewed: 16340 times.

[640x480] [2048x1536]
Viewed: 15150 times.

[640x480] [2048x1536]
Viewed: 14821 times.

Use the modified rivet on the rear passenger side hole
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Use the modified rivet on the rear passenger side hole
Viewed: 15649 times.

Rivet may need to be hammered in. The inserts will "rivet" themself in. Alternately  you can enlarge the hole carefully with the proper drill but this is not needed. Use the longer hex bolt and nut as a tool screw the bolt/nut/washer combination into the rivet and hold the bolt while tightening the   nut. This will "rivet" it in place. Then remove the tool.
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Rivet may need to be hammered in. The inserts will "rivet" themself in. Alternately you can enlarge the hole carefully with the proper drill but this is not needed.

Use the longer hex bolt and nut as a tool screw the bolt/nut/washer combination into the rivet and hold the bolt while tightening the nut. This will "rivet" it in place. Then remove the tool.
Viewed: 15886 times.

Test fit brace to check were you will need to cut the plastic
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Test fit brace to check were you will need to cut the plastic
Viewed: 16664 times.

Mark plastic were you will need to cut
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Mark plastic were you will need to cut
Viewed: 14641 times.

Cut plastic with shears or whatever you have handy
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Cut plastic with shears or whatever you have handy
Viewed: 14589 times.

Insert brackets into frame make sure they are on the correct side since the lengths are different.   It may take a little bending to get them settled in.
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Insert brackets into frame make sure they are on the correct side since the lengths are different. It may take a little bending to get them settled in.
Viewed: 14862 times.

Align bracket with hole in frame
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Align bracket with hole in frame
Viewed: 14338 times.

Start bolting brace into place, start the front two first then align the brace with the brackets in the frame
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Start bolting brace into place, start the front two first then align the brace with the brackets in the frame
Viewed: 15079 times.

Grab bracket and pull down so you can bolt  brace on
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Grab bracket and pull down so you can bolt brace on
Viewed: 14575 times.

Torque bolts to 44 ft/lb,
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Torque bolts to 44 ft/lb,
Viewed: 15144 times.

Take a look and enjoy your hard work
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Take a look and enjoy your hard work
Viewed: 19990 times.

Saab used a similar concept to reinforce the new 9-3 CV from the factory!
[640x427] [1200x800]
Saab used a similar concept to reinforce the new 9-3 CV from the factory!
Viewed: 17376 times.

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